-Government Decision no. 398/1997, regarding the transfer of certain autonomous airport administrations from the authority of the Ministry of Transport to the authority of county councils.
-European Regulation (EU) 139/2014 establishing technical requirements and administrative procedures related to aerodromes under Regulation (EC) No. 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
-Aviation Code.
-European Commission Decision no. 3171/2018 on the entrusting of the service of general economic interest to Bacău Airport.
-Community guidelines on state aid in the field of civil aviation.
-Law no. 15/1990 on the reorganization of state economic units as autonomous administrations and commercial companies, with subsequent amendments and additions.
-Government Ordinance no. 26/2013 on strengthening financial discipline in the case of economic operators in which the state or local administrative units are sole or majority shareholders, or hold a direct or indirect majority stake, with subsequent amendments and additions.
-Government Emergency Ordinance no. 109/2011 on the corporate governance of public enterprises, with subsequent amendments and additions.
-Government Ordinance no. 30/1997 on the reorganization of autonomous administrations.